Sunday, March 14, 2010

Roberts and Amy's Dance

I also have a video of Pam and I, but Pam is a bit shy :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Funniest Video

Favorite Phrases/Stories of the Week

"I like to sleep with girls more than my husband." - Stacey

"Um, Grandpa, I'm sorry I peed on your dresser." = Bailee

"Woe to me" My Big Fat Greek Wedding

"Hey Amber - if I find your phone can I have some of your peachio's," says Ben. "I'll give you all the peachio's if you can find my phone," says I. "Amber! Amber! I found your phone, it was in your Church shoe!!" yells Benny. Benny and I jump up and down screeching. Me - because my phone was just found. Ben - she just won peachio's.

"In the lump, they found a set of teeth and a spinal cord. Yes, it was my twin," My Big Fat Greek Wedding

This is the story Stacey told us on our girls night. "So I must've moved or something cause all of a sudden Cory grabs me and says "Come here you sexy thang." And I'm all thinking, he better be talking about me.And then he says "Yes, I'm talking to you Stacey." And the best part was that he was asleep the whole time and couldn't remember what happened in the morning.

"Oh yeah, so sorry that I rolled on top of you last night." Amber

"Come on kids, mommy needs to go and repent now." - Pamela

"So it looked like there was nobody in the bathroom so I go onto the toilet. And you know I'm pregnant so I just let it out. And I say "oh that feels so good."
Then...there was a flush. I was like CRAP. But then, the girl must've been on her period because she drops her you know thing in that tin thing and then it dropped. "Damn it" she cries out. And all of the toiletress go everywhere, INCLUDING beneath my stall. So we both just stand there waiting for the other to go out first. It was like forever and then finally she bolts out and leave, not even taking the time to wash her hands. It was like the most embarassing thing ever!" - Stacey

"So you only like amber and jenn but you don't like your kids!" *crying* - Joel

"Um mommmy, why do you have milk coming out of your nicks?" - Joel

"You have your duties tonight. My mother told me, that we may be lambs in the kitchen but we are tigers in the bedroom. Please let that be the end of your speech." - My Big Fat Greek Wedding

And my ultimate favorite.
"Yeah so Joel was really ticked off at me and so he says "I don't like aunts just amber and uncles!" - Jennifer
Ok so maybe that's not my favorite but still - that is priceless

Hope you enjoyed the laughs!